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We helped Apple communicate the global success of the iPhone to its audience in Cupertino, California, USA.

In 2007 Apple launched the iPhone, years later this incredible, revolutionary device had taken the world by storm and transformed the way we communicate.  Once & Future were approached to tell this story for a special presentation at Apple HQ Cupertino.  Our approach was simple, let this amazing, game changing device tell you its own story in its own way. We were honoured to have been entrusted to tell the iPhone’s story, and thrilled when our film received a standing ovation.

Watch our overview of what we made for Apple above...




The Brief

To create a stand-out presentation, that documents the iPhone’s prolific success, not only as a best selling product that has transformed Apples’ share of the communications market, but also as a breakthrough device that has changed the way we communicate full stop!

The mobile phone Market, will never be the same again, now is the time to re-visit how it all came about!